That you must protect yourself well against the sun during the summer has become common knowledge. The sun is the main cause of the signs of aging of the skin and skin cancer.
Now that the days are shorter and the sun is less strong than in the summer, you easily forget that the sun still has a harmful effect on your skin. The use of sunscreen is still very important. Even in the winter.
These are all facts that I actually know. But today I had a wake up call by an article of the Skin Cancer Foundation (SCF) in New York. They point out that there's a part of your body that is repeatedly exposed to the sun, as much like the face, but where we often forget to apply sunscreen... the hands.
That's true. My face I will never forget. On sunny days, I will never skip my shoulders, arms and legs. But my hands? I never thought about them. It seemed sufficient to me to take care of my hands by moisturizing them regularly with a hand cream. Nevertheless the dermatologists of the SCF gave the advise to protect your hands several times a day with a good, moisturizing sunscreen. Preferably as a replacement for your ordinary hand cream. This will prevent wrinkly hands and brown spots more effective and you are better protected against skin cancer.
The right sunscreen for your hand conforms to the following requirements. It contains:
- at least SPF 15
- nourishing and moisturizing elements such as lanolin and glycerin
- UVA filters such as stabilized avobenzone, ecamsule (or MexorylTM), oxybenzone, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide
It is even better if your cream contains the following ingredients:
- anti-aging ingredients: such as lactic acid (AHA or alpha hydroxy acid)
- antioxidants that can prevent damage of the cells, such as vitamin C or E
Do not forget your nails. For it is precisely under the nails where an aggressive form of skin cancer can develop well.
I know now what to do. And you?
Better safe than sorry.
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