Friday, 10 July 2015


This week I received a reply in my inbox from T. (54). She had read my blog about 'dating'
T. responded to the idea of my girlfriend in that article, that women over fifty years can't find a man because they are too old and wrinkly. She wanted to say something about it. T. is eight years single now, has a good job, a good income and a good life. However, it would be nice if there was a man in her life. Some things are better when you share them with somebody else, like traveling. They don't need to move in together, because she loves it to be home alone. Occasionally sex with a nice man, that would be nice too. Preferably with always the same, nice, attractive man, because T. doesn't like one night stands. 

That's exactly the problem. Where can you find this fun, attractive man? On the Internet it doesn't seem to happen. For many men who T. met there, it was just only about sex. Or they just wanted to live together as soon as possible, because they need someone to take care for them (and their household) and/or they do not look the same (anymore) as at their profile picture. In these pictures, they often have much hair on the head and a flat stomach, but during a date it often appears that they did let go themselves (and their hair) for quite a couple of years . Also a woman over fifty enjoys to see a handsome looking man. Also women over fifty are more attracted to men who take good care of themselves.

About women there is a stereotype that over fifty they're not longer beautiful and attractive, 
but according to T. is that with men of that age really disappointing. During her whole life T. is doing her best to take care for herself and to look at her best, then it is no wonder that she requires the same from a future partner. The problem of T. is therefore clear. Where will she find a nice, smart, independent man?  

At her work (married, too young, too boring, unattractive), gym (too young, gay) or through friends (in a relation, gay) it doesn't work and Internet dating is - after many disappointments - passé.T. also believes that it is better that you meet a partner in real life. The only question is ... where?

So especially for T. the following question: how or where can a nice, attractive (yes, they exist) fifty-something woman meet an independent, attractive fifty-something man?


Photo (GIF): Andy Warhol/Société Perrier (projecCreate and Repeat)

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