Sunday, 31 May 2015


Okay then, another topic about something that happened a while ago. The above picture is in fact also a reason for the existence of this blog. This photo caused some commotion in February this year. The photo was made for the Mexican Marie Claire and the photographer "leaked" it. Moreover, the photo wasn't (yet) retouched.

The photo led to a huge number of reactions in (social) media. There were reactions of disapproval and admiration. The majority of the responses, however, was very positive and Cindy Crawford was seen as a role model. Personally, I found it quite refreshing. We want girls learn at an early age that the images of models they see in the media are manipulated. At first I thought  it was very brave of Cindy. She refreshened this awareness also for the "older girls" who are older than forty. Isn't it a great pity that we do not often see such images in the media?

Untill it became known that the above photograph was already a few years old and Cindy was not happy with it at all. The photo was not meant for our eyes. They were stolen from photographer John Russo and Cindy didn't want at all that photos were shown. And that wasn't all. Soon the news came out that the photos were fake. Cindy, in real life still very thight, declared it was retouched in such a way with the above picture as a result. Then her partner went one step further by proving at Instagram that Cindy still looks like a supermodel in a bikini.

Of course I can understand that Cindy wants to come at her best in the (social) media, who wouldn't? But she should have been a real rolemodel  if she had said, "Yes, this is what it is. This is how a woman of nearly fifty simply looks like and I'm proud of it". By now we all understand that photos in magazines are retouched. In advertisment  the world is more beautiful than in reality, we all know that. But does it have to mean that we can't be proud at the original? The (re)actions of Cindy at the pictures afterwards just gives the signal that we have to continue with the believe that women in their late forties and older are only presentable if they look (photoshopped) like they are twenty. If the reality is somewhat less perfect, than it should by all means be denied.

Who are we fooling?

The average adolescent today already know better .....

What is your opinion?

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