Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Smoking hot

Last week you read here that the Pirelli Calendar 2016 is filled with influential (50 +) women. In addition to positive feedback, also came the criticism that the calendar would be thereby not sexy enough and that the bias is confirmed that successful and older women aren't sexy.

You probably understand that I do not share this view. I find the women on the calendar really beautiful, but I also listen to criticism. That's why I picked somebody today who is so 'smoking hot', so I expect that by her all the criticism will melt like snow in the sun.

Here's model Mayhem (55), better known as 'The Burning Lotus'. She photographs herself in all possible positions. In doing so, she has no shame. Her photos are artistic, erotic and sometimes even pornographic. Hereby she shows tattoos, piercings and intimate body parts from all angles. Here you can see some of her rare photos on which she's more or less dressed and where no private parts are visible. Her photos can be seen on her tumblr-page. I warn you, this page is definitely NSFW.


If you thought that such a thing as 'sexy after your fiftieth birthday' does not exist, then I think Mayhem has changed your mind. Though I believe that there are many ways to be 'sexy'. 'The Burning Lotus' is sexy and also the women on the Pirelli Calendar are that each in their own way. On this blog you can find also regularly sexy women who have crossed the age of fifty (ample). I love them all.

And you?

Monday, 7 December 2015

Calendar girls

This is singer/poet Patti Smith as the 'november-girl' of the Pirelli-calendar 2016. And she is not the only 50+ model in this edition of the popular Pirelli calendar. The calendar acquired such popularity by the pictures of beautiful, sexy and especially young models in provocative poses who adorn the calendar since 1964. Photographer Annie Leibovitz chose a different approach and asked only influential, successful and strong women for the calendar for 2016.

Besides Patti Smith Leibovitz photographed also film producer Kathleen Kennedy (62) for February, art collector Agnes Gund (77) for March, writer Fran Lebowitz (65) for May, the Iranian artist Shirin Neshat (58) for September and artist Yoko Ono (82) for October. Below you can see them in the same order.

Photos: Annie Leibovitz/Pirelli

Yoko Ono thus acquires the title of 'oldest Pirelli-calendar-girl'. This title belonged since 2007 to Sophia Loren, who then - at the age of 71 -  appeared on the Pirelli calendar.

Photo:  Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin

If the calendar also this year will hang on the walls of garages and above the beds of adolescent boys will, remains to be seen. In any case, Annie Leibovitz made a beautiful statement. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Guess what!

Meet Mimi Kirk. I would like to challenge you to guess her age. If you guessed it at once, then I eat that hat on her head. 

In 2009 Mimi was voted by PETA to 'sexiest vegan above 50'. Then she was already 70. Meanwhile she is 76(!) and and as you can see she's still a 'hottie'. Do you also want to know what her secret is?

Mimi says her youthful looks, good health and overdose of energy are due to her lifestyle. She eats no animal products and that makes her a vegan. At the age of 69 she also stopped to heat her food. So she eats only raw and plant products. According to her that's the reason why she's so vital and without medication. A 76-year-old who never uses drugs ... that's really very special.

If you have the ambition to follow the example of Mimi then you can receive her nutritional advice through her websiteFacebook or Twitter. She likes to share her knowledge about nutrition with the world.

See also the video below in which she explains how you can make the transition to a raw diet.

Would you be able to cope with this lifestyle? I have to think about that...