Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Growing old...

As a child I thought that all old people were old and sick. The only old people that I knew then were my grandparents and yes, they often had to go to the hospital. Meanwhile, my own parents are grandparents now and I think their grandchildren also have the same idea of old people like me at their age. My father (79) has to go regularly with serious health problems to the hospital and my mother (69) recently got a new hip. Sometimes it's hard to see how they change.

Fortunately, I now know that aging also can go in another way. My girlfriend C. (86) is as healthy as a fish. She was 60 when I met her, I had just turned 20.  When I called her back then and she didn't answer the phone, I was alway worried that something was wrong with her health. Now I know better, C. will become at least one hundred.

I once asked C. whether it's nice to be old. According to C. she feels mentally no different than when she was 40 or 50. For example, she is still madly in love and she still has the same needs and desires as forty years ago. That's why she finds it confronting to see that her face and body prove that she has indeed become old. According to C. it is however the hardest part of aging when you are overcome by the realization that many of your peers deceased. Then you also have to deal with loneliness, especially if you have no family and children around.

Two friends of mine became this year terminally ill. One of them even died recentlyThose are things that touch me emotionally and that set me thinking. Of course I am not unique in that. Philosopher and psychiatrist Damien Denys recently told at a Dutch TV program that usually between your 40th and 50th you become aware of your own mortality through such events. Apparently it works like this. But you can also learn a lot from this insight.

For example, that a good health must not be taken for granted and that you should cherish this. You need good care of yourself. That's why I write regularly on this blog about this topic. But the most important lesson is that you should enjoy every day and you should do the things you enjoy. It is also important that you remain a part of society and that you create a good social network. Of the 4.1 million people over 55 in the Netherlands feels more than 1 million lonely. So that means that my girlfriend C. is not the only one who often feel lonely.

That you build a good pension for your retirement is obviously hugely important, but without good health and a pleasant social network, your money is a lot less valuable.

Whether you are moving to Switzerland...

(Click on the purple links for more information)

Photo: Anne Verhoijsen - Beyond time (2008) - via het Dolhuys

Thursday, 24 September 2015


What works better than an anti-wrinkle creamTo nourish yourself in a way that no wrinkles appear and existing wrinkles disappear. This is possible with real powerfoods.

Of  you already know that some foods, such as blueberries or strawberries, are qualified as superfoodsBut there are foods that surpass the healthy functioning of these superfoods.In that case you can name them powerfoods. One of these power foods is, surprisingly, oregano.

Probably you never stopped to think that oregano contains four times more antioxidants than blueberries, 12 times more than oranges and even 42 times more than apples.  In addition, oregano also contains manganese, vitamin K, minerals, iron, calcium, vitamin E and fiber.

The strong anti-inflammatory action of oregano prevents the aging of the skin and body, as inflammation impair the body's cells.

And that's not all. Oregano works well against:

  • (bowel) cancer
  • intestinal parasites
  • bloated feeling
  • slow digestion
  • poor appetite
  • toothache
  • headache
  • migraine
  • shingles
  • acne
  • arthritis
  • flu
  • cold
  • cough
  • asthma
  • convulsions
  • fungal infections
  • bacterial and viral infections
Even feelings of depression and anxiety can be tempered by oregano. You can eat oregano all day: at breakfast on your fried egg, at lunch in the salad and at dinner processed in your dishes. If you do this, you eat more antioxidants in a day than most people do in an entire week.

You can also choose to use oregano oil. Here are the active ingredients of oregano so concentrated that you only need a few drops. Or you can make a cup of tea oregano. That is a healthy alternative to the usual cup of mint tea or green tea.

Delicious and also very healthy. I know what I eat tonight ...

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Like it... or not

At Sarah's secrets unveiled it is already mentioned that in 2020 half of the Dutch population is older than fifty. However, have you ever stopped to think that a virtual community can grow old too?

That's exactly what's going on with Facebook. The number of elderly who are active on Facebook is increasing and young people are - therefore - searching for new communities. Among teenagers are now Instagram and SnapChat extremely popular. 

This is a phenomenon that we have seen before in the Netherlands, with HyvesHyves was founded in 2004. It was a social media network which was initially focused on young people. Hyves was extremely popular in the NetherlandsUntil 2010 the number of users increased to 10 million. Because more and more older people - parents, grandfathers and grandmothers - became members of Hyves, many teenagers switched to Facebook. It is not cool if your (grand)parents hang out in the same places as you. Not even on virtual hangouts.

Now about 62% of Facebook users is older than 25 years, this has some consequences for Facebook. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg for students. Initially for those of Harvard, but later for all students. Then the users rejuvenated when in 2006 all young people from the age of 13 could register. Meanwhile the average Facebook user has thus become older. The younger crowd has different interests than the older users Teenagers especially exchange the best parties and events with each other, whereas the elderly seem to share the pictures of  their (grand)children and news related articles.

Last week Mark Zuckerberg announced that a dislike button becomes available on Facebook. This button is not meant to show that you do not like something, but just to express your sympathy. With certain news items and live events it doesn't feel appropriate to 'like' these.

Zuckerberg has stopped the dislike button for a long time. He wanted Facebook to keep positive and he was afraid that advertisers and users should stay away if they have to deal with the downward thumb. That Facebook now nevertheless is working on a dislike button has according to Felicity Duncan (Assistant Professor of Digital Communication and Social Media, Cabrini College)  to do with the fact that Facebook acknowledges that the site has changed. Adults discuss now about adult subjects and they have different means to express themselves. In addition, elderly people may be more responsible with this button than the young.

Even a virtual community must go with reality.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


'You can be
gorgeous at thirty,
charming at forty...
and irresistible 
for the rest 
of your life.'

- Coco Chanel -

This famous statement by Coco Chanel, remains a classic. Like all of her designs. For the lucky ones among us who are in London between October 13 and November 1, is the exhibition 'Mademoiselle privé' certainly a must.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

To good to be true

Everybody wants to grow old, but nobody wants to look old. Through this blog I discover many products which claims that they can make this happen: luxury gadgets and other electrical devices, cosmetics treatments, therapies, courses, miracle pills, super food, diets and of course anti-wrinkle creams. Some of these products I will discuss later on Sarah's secrets unveiled.

This wide range is due to the fact that we are willing to spend much money for the illusion that we can preserve our youth. The result of supply and demand. Clever advertising campaigns make us believe that just that particular product can fulfill this dream. The better the promise, the more money we spend.

For this blog, I research whether an expensive anti-wrinkle cream is actually better than a cheap one. And so I came across something strange. I discovered something strange. 

On Facebook, I saw a message promoted by Derma Supreme. This is brand of beauty products that prevents the aging of the skin. Dr. Oz (made famous by Oprah Winfrey) would recommend this cream. Ellen Degeneres and Oprah would owe their fabulous skin to the products of Derma Supreme. Under the article were testimonials from Dutch Facebook users. One after the other was lyrical on the functioning of the product. Best of all ... you could try Derma Supreme for free. For only € 5.99 - the postage - you get three products. This package usually has a value of more than eighty euros.

That almost sounds too good to be true. A beautiful skin for free. Believe me, it IS too good to be true.

It occurred to me that all the testimonials were written in a strange sort of Dutch. That is why I clicked on the Facebook profile pictures of some Dutch ladies. Every time this led to a profile of another American woman. Strange.

Further research showed me several websites and Facebook pages that have been created for the duped users of Stemologica from all over the world. Stemologica operates in the same way as Derma Supreme. By paying the shipping costs, you activate a direct debit. And that's their trick. You are now subscribed to a long-term 'cure'. From now on they regularly collect amounts ranging from € 50, - to € 271, -.

Derma Supreme works equally. Only the small jar from the sample pack is 'free'. The other two vials cost you € 72.95 as soon as you get off the cap. The fine print states that this amount is charged if you do not return the unopened vials within 14 days in. Consequently starts your "cure". Now, every two months, an amount of € 72.95 is debited from your bank account by Derma Supreme. It is difficult to recover this money.

On the Internet and especially via Facebook there are several brands that operate in this way. One thing I have learned in the field of anti-aging products:

If it sounds too good to be true... it is!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Fast Forward

How do you and your partner looks like after 20, 40 and 60 years? Do you think the other person is still attractive? This couple had the chance to test this. Their reactions are moving.

Photo: eyeopening

Sarah's secrets unveiled is on vacation and not available in Portugês.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

To botox or not to botox?

To botox or not to botox? It's an interesting subject of conversation. The reason for all the commotion is a television program about botox and fillers. The presenter asks for that program to known Dutch whether they use botox. The discussion flared up when it became known that a Dutch soapstar,  who first admitted on camera that she uses botox, demanded that these images will not be broadcasted on TV. She even threatened with a lawsuit.

To many celebrities it seems to be difficult to admit openly that they use botox. In June I reviewed on this blog Sharon Stone, because she's one of the first international celebrities who openly admits that she uses fillers. In the Netherlands we have Marijke Helwegen, who has been the ambassadress of the cosmetic surgery for many years. Their openness is still rare. 

The number of women (and men) who openly admits to use botox and such like, is in fact quite scarce. And that is a pity. Everyone can do with his body what he wants. Everybody can appoint good reasons to use botox or not. The debate whether it makes someone more beautiful or not, is irrelevant. You can't argue about taste.

More interesting is the question of why many people deny that they use botox. Even at that point that the differences with the previous appearance are evident or when the smooth skin of the face does no longer match with the hands, neck and age.

The Dutch actress Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen recently named the hormone treatments she has undergone to become pregnant as a cause of her altered appearance. Previously she explained that the light in the studio was to blame for her changed appearance on a talk show. It's a pity that she does not dare to admit that her new teeth, lips, hairline and nose are the cause cosmetic treatments. How liberating it would be for her if she does not have to live with a lie that (almost) nobody believes. Why is she doing this? And with her many others?

Is it to preserve the illusion that you stay young, even at an advanced age? Is it because we reflect ourselves to the ideals of beauty (young, slim, toned and radiant) that are imposed on us and that it's difficult to admit that you do not (anymore) meets here. Is it shame, because you actually think that botox is 'not done'? Or shame or fear that others see that you aren't perfect (anymore)? Or is it the fear of criticism and unsolicited opinions of others? 

In this world of selfies, Tinder, Instagram, Facebook, Photo Shop, filters, advertisement, marketing and more, you will be judged and condemned in a few seconds on your appearance. Therefore everyone wants to present theirself at theirs most favorable. That's how we all create a 'perfect'  world, where everyone is beautiful and happyThat is very understandable and also fine. But why do we fool ourself and others by pretending the world on social media and in the media is like the real world? Why is it so important to relate to these 'bubble' and maintain the illusion of a perfect world?

Who knows the answer?

Photo via slumpedover.com